Karen Olsen, Seattle, WA
Member Since December 2007
Artist Statement Hello--I'm a native of Maryland, but have lived in Seattle since 1991. I'm a folksinger, busker, songwriter, blogger and photographer. I have no formal training in either photography or digital art; I've just been doing both for quite some while, with the help of Olympus cameras and Photoshop Elements. I've also done some research on these crafts off and on, online and otherwise.
I market some of my own images here; and present a few more at some long-running LairShops, including
Artifacts of the Lair and
The Lair of Cards. Even if photos are not technically perfect, there is plenty one can do with them, online and off.
In recent years, I've visited a few unusual places, including Ireland and Guatemala, both of which have many incredible archaeological sites which pique another interest of mine: prehistoric archaeology (especially the European Neolithic). I hope to revisit both countries in the near future, especially to learn more about Mayan history, language and literature, as well as Old European script and ceramic decorative motifs. Photos and artwork inspired by all of these will hopefully soon be featured here...