Hi All
I was born in Dublin City Which is half way down the east coast of Ireland .and i am still living there today .Born of parents from a rural background ,i have had a blessed upbringing in the Urban and rural scenes of life in Ireland .
I love Dublin ,its peoples ,traditions,mixed Cultures ,old and modern streets and so on and i love the countryside and coastal areas around Ireland and i like to photograph all of these .
i took up photography about 2 years ago as a hobby starting out with an compact olympus ,and now that i have a bit more knowledge i use a canon 350d and a canon 450d ..Chris my nephew now has my old olympus and even on a rainy day he like me is out and about clicking away around Dublin or the rest of the Country .happy and contented with the wonderful views and images that the day or night brings
i hope my images here brighten up your day and make it a better one and if they do dont forget to tell your friends and relatives ha ha .
i am always glad of any comments or any constructive ideas that may help me inprove my photography ,and i like making comments also ,,always aware of other photographers feelings about their own works
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