Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Douglas Bodaczewski, Auburn
Member Since February 2012
Artist Statement Artist, Photographer and Author; Douglas Bodaczewski… So can you tell I really like anomalies? Yes well all that really is; is something similar to taking a picture of say a face in the clouds sort of thing we’ve all seen, but my personal experience is that waiting for the event, then taking the picture really misses the point that your mind filters out most of the type of pictures you could take anyway, but the camera does not. So this is very common with ghosts etc. it is often only after the pictures are developed that the photographers make the discovery; “Wow what the heck is that?” now you might say this sort of thing may not apply to everything perhaps Bigfoot for instance, but think on how unlikely it is to find an already paranormal event and then literally have the time to pull out a camera and snap a pic or two not too likely folks making the paranormal para-never, so if you want U.F.O. pics you probably need to film the sky line 24/7 with software that detects flying objects is my guess, so I actually believe and trust me I went to great lengths to set these pictures up that anyone can do this in fact kids can probably do this, but just being in the habit of expecting it, make sure you really expect it deep down inside and trust your instincts of what you think will work or you are basically fighting your own minds ability to be where it needs to be at the right time and place to get the pic and then literally taking pictures even when and as you do not actually consciously see anything is probably many times more likely to catch something that has happened. I know that makes no sense to many people the natural tendency would be to wait first. Think when the last time you saw a face in the clouds and if you had waited to take the picture would you get it and if you took the picture would you see even more than you originally had noticed? For instance in a mere second a shape in a candle flame can come and go so fast that you might not consciously be aware of it but of course if you had snapped the picture at that point it would certainly show up none the less. My full moon picture is a non edited pic taken over an extended period of time of about a minute or so at about midnight of literally the full moon and the image that it took is created by the actual blur of the moon zigzagging back and forth in the cameras lens over that period of time making an image that appears to be something, I’ll let you the viewer decide what that something is, but the point being it is completely or at least relatively unexplainable how the heck that image showed up. All I can tell you is that I had made some prayers and was meditating while taking the picture hoping something would show up but it was a total surprise that is what showed up so maybe conscious intention can effect this sort of thing as well, any ones guess, as for the unaltered pic of fire I had done the same thing except it was taken instantly and well there are some interesting things going on with that too, how exactly seeming randomly generated patterns can show up in a cameras view I do not exactly know. But in my book I explain how to create false positives in your field of perception through conscious interpretation of ones environment but the problem here is that this stuff does not seem to be in my mind it appears to be in the external world of space/time. Now believe me I think the paranormal to be good fun at least at a safe and sound distance with enough room to get on with your life but in my book for the most part I really only detail psychologically sound advice for clearing up ones thinking and not so much on anything magical and mystical like everyone else under the sun seems to think is self development. I’ll honestly admit “less is more” I like being grounded and doing real things, but as we can see some of these paranormal things are also a reality and it sort of fun to get into from time to time. Obsessed with magic? Not really...


Product No 5511136
Style Conceptual
Tags Bodaczewski, Douglas, drugs, hypnosis, magic, meditation, money, psychology, religion, sex, visualization, wizard