Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Member Since January 2023
Artist Statement Palestine is a region located in the Middle East, bordered by Israel to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. The region has a long and complex history, with various groups and empires controlling the area over the centuries. Today, Palestine is recognized as a state by over 130 countries, but its status remains disputed and controversial.

The modern conflict in Palestine can be traced back to the late 19th century, when Zionist Jews began immigrating to the region with the goal of establishing a Jewish homeland. This led to tensions with the Arab population, who saw the influx of Jews as a threat to their own claims to the land. In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan that would divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, but this plan was rejected by the Arab countries and led to a war between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

Since then, the conflict has continued with varying degrees of intensity. The Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip have been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War, and the Israeli government has built settlements in these areas, which are considered illegal under international law. The Palestinians have also engaged in armed resistance, including suicide bombings and rocket attacks, while Israel has responded with military force and a blockade of Gaza.

Efforts to resolve the conflict have been ongoing for decades, but have so far been unsuccessful. The Oslo Accords of 1993 established a framework for peace negotiations, but these talks have stalled and the situation on the ground has continued to deteriorate. The international community has called for a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace, but the details of such a solution remain elusive.

The situation in Palestine is complex and multifaceted, with historical, political, and religious factors all playing a role. The ongoing conflict has had a devastating impact on the people of the region, with violence, displacement, and economic hardship affecting both Israelis and Palestinians. Finding a lasting solution to this conflict remains one of the most pressing challenges facing the international community today.


Product No 7005284