Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Gene Cyr, Washburn, Maine
Member Since November 2006
Artist Statement My inspiration comes from living in Maine where nature is the true artist, my job is to capture what has been so beautifully layed out before me. I walk out the door of my home each day and I'm truly amazed at the beauty that surrounds me. Living in the northern section of Maine inspires me to be a part of this world of living things and the vast outdoors. I do my best to be out in nature every day taking pictures, but at the same time try to have as little impact on our natural resources as possible. Capturing the beauty around me with my camera, but at the same time leaving it exactly as it was so others coming after me can see it as I witnessed it.

A few years ago I got my first digital camera and mainly used it to take photos for web site designing. I'm now on my fourth camera, and since that first camera my photo taking has taken on a whole different direction. I gradually started taking hikes into the great Maine outdoors and photographing wharever I found of interest and found out that what interested me also interested a lot of other people. Maine's four seasons are forever giving me something new to discover so I'll keep photographing my discoveries and hope you'll continue on this path with me.

Note: Gene Cyr is a six time winner in the State of Maine Photo Contest.
Honorable Mention winner for the Ag. & Rural Life category winter 2008
Honorable Mention winner for the Ag. & Rural Life category spring 2007
First Place winner for the Agriculture & Rural Life category winter 2006
First Place winner for the Inland & Mountain Scenes category winter 2006
Honorable Mention winner for the Agriculture & Rural Life category fall 2006
First Place winner for the Inland & Mountain Scenes category spring 2006


Product No 2220975
Tags Cyr, Gene