Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Justus Hayes, Vancouver
Member Since September 2008
Artist Statement I am a digital photographer and compulsive image manipulator. Stirring the pixels is like meditation for me, and when the results click it's like nothing else - my Candy gallery contains some of these images. The RealThings gallery contains straight-up photography with a textural and abandoned/urbex-ian bias. I love documenting how Things Fall Apart, ruination, distress, dereliction, breakdown, age and wear. This is closely linked to my experiences as a scenic artist in the Vancouver theatre scene.


Product No 2305565
Subjects Architectural Elements, Architecture, Landscape, Urban
Style Urban/Industrial
Tags Hayes, Justus, above, address, age, doorway, gargoyle, lisbon, number, patina, small, spout