Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Michael Smith, Mesa
Member Since September 2010
Artist Statement Although I liked to draw when growing up, the first time I played with a paint program on my cousin's Amiga computer, I was hooked. From then on, manipulating pixels became a passion that rivaled that of music. I first learned the piano, then percussion, and later guitar, but again went towards the visual arts, attaining my BA in Game Art & animation at the University of Advancing Technology.
I had sold a few pieces of art in the early years of the millennium, but had delved more into music for a while. Now I am interested in sharing my creations with the world again, hence the name Flowing Points. It denotes several things that I may reveal later. But for now I have been searching for the original files from around 2000 to do larger renders. I may have to just put up newer versions of the old works.
I hope people enjoy what I bring forth, and I will be watching out for nice works from others.

Let yourselves flow.


Product No 3426935
Subjects 3D Art
Style Abstract
Tags Audio, Michael, Smith, abstract, color, energy, movement, rings, sound, vibration