Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Hugo Bolano, Hollywood
Member Since July 2010
Artist Statement Artist born in Venezuela but living in USA since 1995. He started painting early in his life by doing murals for his elementary school. Bolaño went from High School to the Central University of Venezuela to study Psicology but, his passion for painting was strong enough to direct him towards Drafting and Design which he saw as both, a means to express himself as an artist and an appropriate way to make a living. He studied Drafting and Design at the Sancho’s School of Drafting and Cartoons in Caracas and Advanced Drafting and Design at the Maracay Institute of Drafting and Design. He then took a specialization in Airbrush, technique that would become his passion later on. Bolaño mastered all those learned techniques by working as a Designer, first for Natura Publishing Company in Caracas, and later for Latina Advertisement Agency, a well known Advertisement agency in Venezuela, Sears was manager display department. Despite the heavy load that his formal work represented, Bolaño continued painting. He meets Jorge Meneses, a respected painter in Maracay and attend on a regular basis the workshops sponsored by Meneses. At some point, Bolano realizes that he loves color and the feminine form. He then begins a journey through the field of painting from pure Realism with feminine forms, Still life, Bodegón, and Landscapes all the way to Surrealist and Abstract art. Impressionism is a technique to which Bolaño devotes time, attracted by the multiplicity of colors and the nebulous delimitation of forms and figures stressing the importance of the perfect balance of light to intensify and color and then sharpen the form or the scene. Some of Bolaño’s work was exposed at COVENIN Art Gallery in Caracas. Today, Bolaño is a versatile artist who, after having tried several techniques, decided to stick to a purer concept of art where the color richness is the vital part of his paintings. He has now entirely dedicated all his efforts to create Fine Art and Custom Murals for individuals, business, and Institutions.

Artista nacido en Venezuela y radicado en los Estados Unidos desde 1995. Descubre su vena artística a temprana edad cuando nota que los pequeños murales que pinta para su escuela en la ciudad de Maracay son aceptados con agrado por todos. Al terminar el Bachillerato, Bolaño entra a la Universidad Central de Venezuela con la idea de estudiar Psicología, pero inmediatamente se da cuenta de que su deseo de convertirse en pintor es más fuerte que su vocación universitaria. Decide entonces que talvez una carrera como Ilustrador y Creativo le permitiría orientar adecuadamente su desarrollo profesional y su vocación artística. Se matricula entonces en la Escuela de Dibujo y Caricaturas de Sancho en Caracas y, diploma en mano, se regresa a Maracay donde estudia Diseño Gráfico en el Instituto de Diseño Gráfico de Maracay. Luego estudia Aerografía, técnica ésta que se convertirá luego en su gran pasión. Paralelamente, adquiere experiencia profesional trabajando como Ilustrador y Creativo para la Editorial Natura en Caracas y luego como Ilustrador para Latina Publicidad, una de las más famosas agencias de publicidad en Venezuela, Sears como gerente de exhibicion. Un día conoce a Jorge Meneses, respetado pintor de Maracay, quien lo invita a participar en los talleres de trabajo conducidos por el artista. Bolaño inicia su recorrido por el mundo de la pintura comenzando por el Realismo y, enamorado del color y de la figura femenina, pinta figuras, bodegones, naturalezas muertas y paisajes. Ensaya también con lo Surrealista y lo Abstracto y le atrae particularmente el Impresionismo con su multitud de colores y la poca definición de la figura y donde lo importante es el balance perfecto de la luz el cual da intensidad y vida al color para luego definir la figura o la escena. Hoy, ya en la madurez de su vida, Bolano apuesta por un concepto de arte más sencillo donde la riqueza del color es la protagonista vital de su obra. Actualmente, B


Product No 3280684
Subjects Abstract, Color, Irregular Forms
Style Abstract
Tags Bolano, Hugo, decorative, modern