Tarun Gudipaty, Tucson
Member Since March 2010
Artist Statement I am an Engineer with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. Photography was always a great hobby which I wanted to pursue since childhood. But I was able to buy a decent point and shoot digital camera (Fujifilm Finepix S700) only about 2 years ago (2008) and thats when I set foot into the magical world of photography. I used this camera till 2010 and it had served me well. I am now in possession of Nikon D5000 with an 18-105mm VR lens!! And this baby can shoot!
My skills and understanding of photography have developed tremendously since I started on this journey. I took part in some contests in my office where I won recognition and prizes. This gave me some confidence to start a webstore where I could sell my pictures and that's the reason for being here at Imagekind.
I do not have any formal training in Photography but I have plans to get some in the future. But I truly believe in getting your hands dirty by getting into the field rather than just studying some theory in a classroom. And that's exactly how I approached Photography and I did do well till now. I learnt many techniques, compositions; sometimes by accident, sometimes from friends. It kept my mind free of any inhibitions, rules etc. It gave me a sense of creative freedom to just be in the field clicking pictures as long as I could. This I think is one of the most important factors for becoming a good photographer. One needs to let his/her mind run wild, at the same time be patient. Be creative would be my motto in Photography!!
Hope you all like my pics!!
Good clicking,