Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Nawfal Johnson Nur, Malaysia
Member Since September 2006
Artist Statement IMAGEKIND: ARTIST BIO — Nawfal Johnson — Smokephotographist
When I pick up my camera ... when I compose the subjects in the frame ... and, when I plan and set up my lighting, I have one thing in mind — To take a better photograph than the last time.

I have been using a camera as a hobbyist since I was 12 years old, and then as a freelance professional since 1998.

Photography is a Madness for Me — My Work:
I have been a long-time Freelance Stage & Dance Photographer; nevertheless, I focus much of my energy designing fine art Abstract, and, Abstract Expressionism Photography. I also design SMOKE-ART PHOTOGRAPHY, and that is the art style I focused on in my 2011 book, titled, ETHEREAL DREAMS and HOPE.

My Artistic Influences:
My main artistic influences are Jackson Pollock and Robert Henri. As for photographic influences, I have always drawn inspiration from photographers Carl Fischer, and Andreas Feininger.

Thank you for your visit!


Product No 4847112
Subjects Abstract, Color, Irregular Forms
Style Abstract
Tags Johnson Nur, Malaysia, Nawfal, abstractexpressionismphotography, abstracttrees, alloverphotographicdigitalart, colorfultwistingtreebranches, colourfulabstractenvironmentphotographicabstractionsart, environmentalchaosdigitalphotographicabstractart, nawfaljohnsonnur, penang, treespenang, twistingbranches