Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Oilboy Images
Member Since February 2009
Artist Statement Born and raised in the oil patch, I worked as an oil scientist most of my life.
I came to enjoy nature, architecture, art and photography at an early age.

These are pictures of my travels in Western Canada and the United States.

Most of my pictures are caught on the fly. My landscapes are usually shot
from the passenger seat or the back seat of the car, as we drive towards
our day's final destination.

My street pictures are often shot from the hip, but I am sometimes given
the latitude to stand still and capture something special, thanks to the
patience of my understanding wife and kind travelling companions.

With the advent of the digital camera, computers and graphic software,
today anyone can become an artist. The ability to share our ideas and
experience over the internet has caused an explosion of knowledge and
awareness to the benefit of all mankind. It is an amazing world we live in.

Washington DC is my favorite big city, and Santa Fe is my favorite town,
my favorite region is the southwest four corners and through New Mexico.

I try to capture vivid colors, motion, light and movement in my pictures.
Being a great fan of impressionism, I often find my pictures transforming
into the same artistic styles I came to appreciate, and identify with myself.

ART for cancer on ImageKind


Product No 1986875
Tags images, oilboy