Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Lena Virginia Kilpatrick, Hohenwald, USA
Member Since November 2006
Artist Statement Hi my name is Lena Virginia Kilpatrick. I was born on October eleventh in the small community of Pleasantville , Tn. Being raised on a farm, myself as well as my four brothers and two sisters learned the value of hard work at an early age. We didn't have money for even small luxuries so most of the accesories in our home were made by us. My mother was an avid quilter and made all the dresses that I wore to school. I would show her a dress I liked in a catalog that came in the mail and she would sew it for me . From making the pattern to the finished product she done it all. I feel that what talent I have I inherited from my mother.

I have had a passion for drawing and painting ever since I was in the first grade but for years I didn't do anything about it . Now at age ? , well we won't go there, I have decided to pursue my passion for art.

In the last ten years my art has attracted collectors from all over the United States as well as Australia,France,Italy,Canada,Ireland and Saudi Arabia. My paintings have found homes in personal as well as corporate collections.

I am primarily a self-taught artist and I am proud to be a juried EBSQ Plus member of the EBSQ Self-Representing artist group. I enjoy working in acrylics, oils and watercolors. I do a lot of landscapes with bright colors and strong contrast. My style of painting is basicly impressionistic but I have recently started working in the Fauvist and Abstract style. I am constantly learning and creating new works of art and the next one I fell is allways going to be the best. I feel that not being restricted to one style of painting I keep my creative juices flowing and I am having a lot of fun as well.Thank you for your interest in my art and If you have any questions please email them to

Thanks again
Lena Virginia Kilpatrick


Product No 128756
Tags Kilpatrick, Lena Virginia