DescriptionCopyright 2017 RC deWinter ~ All Rights Reserved
a sliver of light and i'm awake too early but there it is the day waiting for me raising the blind i see an iffy sky a stained canopy streaked with the tints of a halfhealed bruise
if those promising glints of gold manage to overpower the ominous slate it might yet fair up nicely but there's no telling at this point my powers of meteorological prediction are not noted for their accuracy
sighing i turn away and hunt for iffy day clothes which is no stretch because i've led an iffy life my wardrobe is proof against any and all contingencies
jammed into drawers and closets is a phantasmagoria of costumery an a to z of the motheaten to the glamorous none of it sorted since i'm a lazy jackdaw so every day is a scavenger hunt for appropriate habiliments
digging in a drawer where i think i'll find suitably iffy garments i pull out a scruffy sweater and suddenly it's seven years ago because lurking underneath is the silverblue silk shirt i was wearing when we met and haven't worn since you left
and isn't love just like that iffy sky out there unpredictable clouds easily whipped into a storm by prevailing hormones from the south fool's gold inevitably fading into gray and the rain is salt tears that taste like smoke and betrayal
i don't dress for love anymore my powers of emotional prediction are not noted for their accuracy i pick up that shirt and rip it to shreds just as the rain begins splatting a mocking tattoo against the panes ~ copyright 2017 RC deWinter
Rain or shine? It's hard to tell from this autumn morning sky over Lake Superior at Grand Marais, Minnesota.
RC DeWinter, Fairfield, CT Member Since December 2008 Artist StatementHello and welcome to my portfolio on Imagekind. Here's a bit about me:
RC deWinter is a Connecticut writer/digital artist whose artwork has been published in many print and online journals, including, among others, The American Muse, Fine Art Photography, Poetry Nook, 2River View, Pink Panther, Official Feature Online Entertainment Magazine, Garden Tripod and also used as set décor on ABC-TV’s “Desperate Housewives." In 2013 Ms. deWinter she was one of six finalists for a Shorty Award, the national social media awards, in art. Ms. deWinter is honored to be the first digital artist invited to exhibit at the Arts of Tolland Gallery in Connecticut. Her 4-week solo exhibition was an unqualified success. Her poetry publication credits include The New York Times, Uno: A Poetry Anthology, 2River View, Another Sun, Pink Panther Magazine, Pilcrow & Dagger, Plum Ruby Review, Poetry Life and Times and numerous other print/online publications. If you enjoy my work, please spread the word, and thank you for stopping by.
Don't miss my beautiful original artwork calendars printed in the USA on heavy stock. Always available - you choose the starting month and year: Original Artwork Calendars by RC deWinter