Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Krzis-Lorent Frederique, LOOS
Member Since July 2008
Artist Statement Born 1956
in Rouen

- Artiste-peintre depuis 35 ans
Huile et aquarelle

- Diplôme supérieur d’architecture D.P.L.G. 1982
- + creation de dessins textiles et d’ameublement

- Professeur d’Arts appliqués pendant 5 ans
- Pour la CCI de l’Oise

- Diplôme d’intervenant en Art-thérapie 2001

- Ecriture d’un ouvrage en poesie lyrique

Paint to search oneself and to find the other.

From the colour to the line of the paint brush, passing by the cutting,all is cry, all is writing,all is language,all is signifiant, in the work of artist, Frederique Krzis-Lorent known as FrédériqueK.
In another life, the one that she has dedicated herself today entirely to her Art, FrederiqueK was an architect. Her training and her years on site, have set down traces of the « demanding structure » on her canvas requiring impeccable strictness even-of the Art of fine strokes dear to Vitruve.
Faithfull to the straight line, FrederiqueK often constructs her canvas starting from squares, a figure of rich symbolism that particularly suits her.
To be rigorous is not to be rigid. The free flow of her work is put forward by her well kept subject to underline the effects she doesn’t hesitate to work on a canvas which is not prepared.This work flow is the extension of her photographic gesture which is very fine and even in the subjects that she likes : women, fashion or the « agaves ».
Strong with technic and mouvement, painting would be just an empty shell if is was not animated by the thought which gives it its breath. FrederiqueK paint to prove that she exists. « I am obsessed by the mental state » she confesses. To paint is to go in search of oneself, to say something to someone. For painting is never free if it hasn’t got any sense. The world vast territory of non sensitive has become a world of confrontation and exclusion.
It simultanously makes it’s death destiny it’s own »finiteness » duplicating ours and a sense of helplessness of all it’s hindrance. While painting, despite everything FrederiqueK invites us to escape from this impotence, to react differently across our anguish. She is fascinated by fashion and it’s refinement, it’s fabrics, her ideal of thinness, it’s light, its brillance and it’s elegant women, it’s evanescence and it’s mystery.behind the appearance, FrederiqueK paints woman in her modernity. FrederiqueK states that she is always torn apart between the simple, the masculinity and the show of the feminity. I love to tear apart. Her precise eye of the architect looks, analyses, finds the fragment. FrederiqueK is the painter of the « synecdoche » of the details which suggest all. At the same time, her sketchy scene suggests the magnitude of her work. We are in baroque painting where the extrovert testifies our real suffering, it permits contact with the others. So the « agaves » of FrederiqueK are not dead nature but « anthropomorphous ». The synthesise of a humanitarian gesture, an arm in the wind. They are the superb exercices of colour. « Colour for me is like light, a way to explain myself, a word. This is my life, without colours I expire ».
She tells us that the word does’nt go from a fraction of the relationship between people.The ones that don’t know how to make us listen, will invent other arguments to make us understand. « I have difficulties, she tells us, to move into space. I often have the feelingthat the more I speak, the more I explain, the more I analyse my thoughts, the less people understand me. Painting permits me to communicate in an other way ». Line and colour sets up a bond with the spectator and will permit the artist to run away from her closet… and takes the spectator in her world. FrederiqueK who has retained decades with her canvas in her work-shop, destroys them if it is necessary to make room and shows silently that painting is to go in search of oneself, to find the other.

Art critic


Product No 3019013
Subjects Artists, Figurative, People, Pin-up, Portrait
Style Contemporary
Tags Krzis-Lorent, frederique