Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

M Paradis
Member Since August 2007
Artist Statement 10/18/07: I have a wonderful personal accomplishment to share will everyone. My photography was judged and accepted for display and sale in a local gallery here in the Pacific North West. It was complete “baptism by fire” and I loved the whole process~~M~~

I remember the first time I ever saw a photo develop in the Dektol solution… I was in love. I spent the next six months watering lawns and doing the kinds of jobs an 11-year-old could do to earn money so I could buy my first camera. Finally, I saved up enough to buy a Pentax K-1000 with a standard lens. I immediately started taking pictures. As I got into high school I knew I wanted to be on the yearbook staff, if for nothing else to learn the hand process of developing and printing film. I was like a duck to water, as they say. I learned that I could manipulate not only the film when I photographed something but again during the hand developing of the negatives. My favorite part was in the darkroom printing… I truly loved the hand crafting part of photography. It was very hard to transition into digital photography but I did. I found that I had some of the same manipulation abilities I had while hand developing plus technology which seems to be somewhat more forgiving then film. In the last few years, I've discovered my passion for this medium. I love to try new things with my camera and with the creation of an image. I believe I have a different kind of freedom now then I did before.

My heritage is French so I wanted to honor that by choosing to name my images in French. If you have any questions or interest in any of the images before you, please send me a message. I would gladly discuss my work and others’.

I hope you appreciate my perspective on the world.


Product No 168341
Tags m, paradis