Camila Rosa, Miami
Member Since March 2012
Artist Statement Early life in Brazil
Camila Rosa was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1977, to a middle class catholic family.At young age her favorite class was arts, and she always had a sketchbook with her so whatever and whenever she wanted she could express her self. In 1986 Camila had an accident and was in coma for several days, and when she wake up from the coma the only thing she wanted to do was to sketch while she never remember her mother mentioned that she start by sketching a face which looks like Jesus Christ and taught that she was medium doing mediumistic arts, and the support from her mother encouraged her to became an artist during her mid-teens and embarked her in 1990 on a classical education of arts at Panamericana art & design school in Sao Paulo, Brazil, also her mother and her start to follow with spiritualism by Allan Kardec for the painting purpose.
Florida influence
In 1999 Camila decide to move to Miami, FL, since the value for art in Brazil is not the same as in USA.She start working as a art performance, in the mean time she being trying to fusion what she has leaned with the performance art into the paint itself as an expression. With a sketchbook from time to time expressing as a hobby. Now that she have more time in her hand she start to get into art more often, she is always with her sketchbook and constantly drawing and sometimes the drawing develop into some more depth idea and detailed finished.
My work
My work express a modern mixing of expressionism, pseudo-realism and digital painting, on my originals I use different types of modeling materials to give an impression of 3 - D, my painting are most made by acrylic on canvas. On my prints I digitally photography my originals and change them with digitally colors and styles. I like to create artwork that involve sensuality,color, seduction, poetry and beauty. I am not set out to produce art about one subject or another, it all depends on my feeling and ideas at that moment. The work propose modernity, sensuality, point of stereotype, differences, fairytales, modernity, and new concepts, in hope of making visible what is overlooked in my work. Leading me from hobby to art, every inspiration comes from the inside out. Which frees my imagination and provide many opportunities for happy ending finished projects. :-D
I am fascinated by art itself but what I like to do the most is integrated with colors, performance and female thinking, as a woman being very sensitive and emotional so I like that I can express my feeling on it, and on it moment the feelings are different.