Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Zach Elston, Bozeman, MT
Member Since September 2009
Artist Statement I'm quite young, only 17 years old, but I love photography with a passion. I've gone deep into medium format recently, and I've found that it agrees with me more than 35mm, and way way more than digital. I would love to sell an image, but I'm not really expecting anything from Imagekind, figured it would be interesting though.

Any purchases would be greatly appreciated, and would feed my growing addiction (to photography that is hahah)

I hope you enjoy my images.

My flickr (for more images/much older work) is

If you'd like to see any of them on Imagekind, please feel free to message me.


Product No 2475249
Tags 4x5, Elston, Zach, autumn, black, fall, format, large, leaves, negative, paper, photography, pinhole, tree, white