Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Ramone Romero, Osaka
Member Since April 2008
Artist Statement Born in Maryland and raised there, Ramone went through many different philosophical questions, doubts, and depressions. His life was changed when God met and held him while he was driving his car. After six months of wandering, he gambled his life on God's existence by becoming a missionary to Japan. There he would not only win his gamble (rather, God won the gamble), but he would meet his future wife and spend half the year helping homeless people with her. Upon returning to university in California, he discovered the Holy Spirit and spent the next year and a half "in the school of the Spirit", and life has not been the same since then!

In Ramone's college days, he wandered from one major to another, not knowing his ultimate goal or desire. One of those majors had been fine art, and he produced many works back then when he had so much free time and didn't have a job! Believing that his art was tied to his depression of those years, he largely abandoned art after he met Jesus and the Holy Spirit began healing him emotionally. But in 2005 he saw the prophetic art of Gwen Meharg and the Spirit moved him to pick up art again, this time with a new and liberating purpose - without the need to promote himself, without the need to be original, without the need to impress!

Ramone's art may not be "great art", but he prays that the Holy Spirit would speak through its simplicity (sometimes childlike in image) and touch your heart, and that you would be blessed by seeing God's great love for you in Jesus.


Product No 931952
Tags Ramone, Romero