Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Danielle Livingston, Owosso
Member Since June 2008
Artist Statement I am a stay at home mom and student. I have been married for eight wonderful years and we have a beautiful seven year old daughter who keeps me on my toes. One of the things that I have been good at my whole life is art. People have always told me that I have a talent and should market it. Now that technology is so advanced and there are websites to promote my art, I can happily say that I can finally earn money for my art. I have always loved drawing ever since I was a child. I started drawing at the age of five and have continued to draw through the years. There are some things that I am really good at drawing and others I am not so good, however, I have many pieces of art in my galler that I hope people will enjoy and purchase for their homes. I also have art listed at and have successfully sold some of my artwork there. The pleasure that I feel when someone buys my artwork is worht more than any dollar amount. Just knowing that out of all the thousands of artwork that is out there and someone picked mine over everyone else's makes me the happiest person in the world. I do not get a lot of time to draw with all the responsibilies that I have around the house and with school work, so when I finally get a chance to sit down and create a piece of art, I feel relaxed and less stressed and put my best effort into what I can create. Although the money that I earn for my artwork does help us out financially, since we are only living on one paycheck, overall it is not the money that I look forward to the most, it is the news that a piece of my artwork has sold and the comfort and joy that the person who purchased it is feeling. Knwoing that I have pieces of my artwork hanging in someone's house or office is more than words can express. Please enjoy my gallery and I sincerely hope that you find something of mine that you would like to hang in your home or office.


Danielle Livingston


Product No 1154438
Style Abstract
Tags Danielle, Livingston, wine