Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

SiennaBleu Photography, Delaware
Member Since August 2010
Artist Statement Photography has been my companion throughout my life. I remember my first "Brownie Camera," my Kodak 110, my Rollei, and my Canon AE1. And then there was digital.....
My Father was an avid photographer as well, and a great influence upon me. He was a member of the 34th Photo Recon Unit in WW2. Their unit was responsible for photographing the Normandy Beaches in France for the invasion. When I was fifteen he used his bonus money from work to buy me my Canon.
I cannot picture my life without photography. It has been my constant friend, my solace, my serenity and my peace. It brings my family to me and is in my heart.
I hope to share my enjoyment and serenity through my work in my galleries.

Thank You for sharing my passion.
Gale Lukas
SiennaBleu Photography


Product No 3373820
Subjects Animals, Insects, Landscape, Nature & Outdoors
Tags Photography, SiennaBleu, brown, butterfly, insect, nature