Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Jaimee Cantolina, Airville
Member Since October 2009
Artist Statement I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania. Although, I was constantly creating something new ever since I was a kid, it wasn't until high school that I developed such a passion for art. As I grew older I discovered the beauty in the world that I didn't quite see as a child, or just didn't process it as "beauty." I realized then that I wanted to capture every bit of that "beauty" I could, and what I couldn't capture I would create. I am a Gemini, which explains my need for something new ALL the time. My artwork rarely falls in to one category, as it is always something different. One week it's sculpture, the next it's acrylic, then maybe portrait drawings. I have a strong need to learn and experience everything, making my artwork a constant change. Music has a very huge influence on my work. I always listen to music while creating something. When painting I sometimes allow the music to control the stroke of the brush. I feel a lot of my work is a visual depiction of the music that fills my ears, mind and heart every day.
Happiness, sadness, enjoyment, passion, pain, lust, anger, bliss, excitement... to experience these emotions is life. Allowing these emotions to flow from my mind, through my hands and into the lives of others... that is art.


Product No 2487441
Subjects Children
Style Drawing
Tags Cantolina, Jaimee, drawing, pencil, portrait