Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Dave Roscoe, South Glastonbury
Member Since August 2008
Artist Statement Born in England but residing in the US since 1981. I tend to create my photographs based on what inspires me in the location I happen to be in rather than through planning. Occasionally I will return to a previous location if the weather or season suggests that there may be something interesting or new to photograph. All part of the continuous learning process I guess. I never get tired of looking at something that could be easily taken for granted and finding something interesting in the subject, its texture, color lighting or just because sometimes it's there and I am looking to surprise myself. I hope you like my images.

I very much appreciate the comments I have received so far, so to those of you who have taken the time to look and comment; thank you .


Product No 4905635
Tags Dave, Roscoe