Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Ben Kuhns, UT
Member Since December 2006
Artist Statement The world is a dynamic and ever expanding place. We find that our civilization is constantly pushing outwards into un-developed territory. In the wake of our expansion sit the architectural ruins of what were once places of industry, business, and comfort. A building is in many ways like a person, and like a person it has a life cycle. For many, this cycle ends when the building becomes unused and forgotten. But the life of that building continues long after it has worn out its usefulness. No longer used and maintained every day, these structures become a part of their environment free to accept the weathering of mother nature.

I find these forgotten structures to be immensely beautiful. Each building holds a beauty that is unique born out of the relationship between the creations of industry and the power of nature. I have enjoyed exploring for several years driven by the curiosity to see the places that few people take the time to notice and even fewer ever take the time to truly see. Hopefully my photographs serve as a sort of window into the places that our society has left behind. These photos show the buildings in their natural states’, nothing is ever moved, altered, or taken from the places.

Take only pictures, leave only footprints.


Product No 59064
Tags Ben, Kuhns, black, color, digital, photograph, smoke, swirl