Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Pepin Lachance, Milwaukee Wi
Member Since July 2007
Artist Statement Well I am basicly a gammer geek with higher asperations. I see so much pointless suffering going on in the world around me and I want to change that. My art is just one of the ways that I am doing that. I am a Digital artist/philosopher who was born in 1981. I am a Scientific Mystic. Ask me what that is and maybe we can have an interesting discusion. My mission on this website is to transfer benevialnt memes to people on here. In hopes that we can conteract the prevalant self-destructive main line memes that are dominating our world. Of cource I could be wrong about all of that only time and history will tell.
If I sound interesting friend me on myspace.


Product No 162932
Tags Lachance, Pepin, art, chimera, cool, digital, experiment, fun, weird