Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Holly Laury, NE Pennsylvania
Member Since May 2007
Artist Statement

From the moment I picked up my first 110 camera when i was 15, I was hooked. While I never created much 'art' with that old camera (boy do I wish I still had it!), it did give me the chance to see that I could capture moments and emotions with just the push of a button.

I moved on to an SLR, and later to digital, and through it all, I've never lost the love of the feeling of putting a little bit of my soul into each photo I took. And I've only learned more and more; through classes, through other photographers who share their wisdom, and probably most importantly, through trial and error.

I hope that my work touches you in some way, and moves you to feel something... maybe just a little bit of what I was feeling when I made it.

If you see anything on my flickr page that you'd like to purchase, just let me know and I'll gladly add it here!


Product No 2848421
Tags Holly, Laury, bw, clean, dishcloths, kitchen, knit