Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Kasha Baxcter, Asheville, NC
Member Since January 2013
Artist Statement "Nod to Albright-Knox Art Gallery.”
All art is personal, and comes from some magical place—at least that’s where mine burns.  I was not born into an artistic family. DAD was a boxer, a steelworker and a cop. Mother a 1950’s mom with few options. How did I find my way to the visual arts?
Why did Monet so love flowers, O’Keefe the southwestern states, or Picasso the flattening of images? We don’t know, but are glad they did. I got to know them, & Dali. o’Keefe & many more in Buffalo, NY.
One blessing of being born in Buffalo, was the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. It was such a relief & great life lesson to wander around those impressive halls. Rooms dedicated to the French Impressionists so delighted & sustained my interest. Sad to me how many Americans do not get that value, and share that relief! The other worldly-ness of it. The hope mixed with strength i could feel before re-entering those mean streets.
I’ve always found inspiration from those leading at the edge of discovery-- new creations, writings, technology, science, personal growth, green & health advocates, wild folk, & sky peoples...
I play with things & I’ve been taking multiple exposures since my children were multiple threats. They lived thru all their antics & eventually the photos also gained in dimension into lives of their own.
This alternative expression with my layered image photography, done in camera, keeps that hope I uncovered in the Buffalo Gallery alive.
We are all unique. My subjects are light filled, travel oriented---[as all of us are similarly on a journey] & some of my work celebrates


Product No 5430850
Tags Baxcter, Kasha