Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Jonathan Garrett, Houston, TX
Member Since June 2011
Artist Statement Hi, I am Jonathan Garrett a photographer residing in Houston, TX for about 30 years originally from Hartford, CT. I acquired the photo bug in the early 70's learning photography while in the Navy. I worked as a photojournalist for several years for one of the largest news agencies in the world covering sports, politics and many other interesting assignments. I also did contract work for several publications. One of the things I enjoyed most was shooting live performances and I will feature some of these images on occassion. I come from the old school of film beginning to embrace the digital medium. I love the new creative aspects digital photography brings and I still love film for the special quality film can produce plus I love playing with my old camera collection. The images in my galleries have been made with cameras ranging from new digital cameras to cameras that are 50 or more years old covering a wide range of subjects I hope you will enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to view my work. Any comments are greatly appreciated.


Product No 4249963
Tags Garrett, Jonathan