Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Olavi Uisk, HCMC, Vietnam
Member Since November 2009
Artist Statement OlluLollu (Olavi Uisk) was born 15.04.1966. Life has its highs and lows. It is the rule of nature that noone can disregard. My life can be described in the same way: as a ship rushing through the storm – up, and then down, then up and then down again... You cannot appreciate the good in life unless you have experienced the bad...

I studied in Tallinn 37. Secondary School and Tallinn 9. Secondary School, followed by some years in Tallinna Kergetööstustehnikum (Tallinn School of Light Industry) and Tallinn School of Art. This was enough for me to understand about my part in the big plan and in which direction to go in my life...

If you were born into this world to CREATE something, then you can engage in many different things but never find your way, until you stop the wheel of noise in your head and start looking for answers...

WHY AM I IN THIS WORLD? My ARTWORK was boiling inside me and looking for a way out and although I ignored it for decades, I couldn’t keep it in anymore and it bursted out of me… to Your benefit...

There are no coincidents in life – only growing, learning and responsibility. The more you pay attention to responsibility, the more life starts paying attention to you and introducing you to nice people.

I thank life for bringing me together with two teachers. First reason for me to be very happy is dr. Jaan Suurküla, the teacher of Transcendental Meditation, whom I met 2 years ago and who became my teacher. He guided me to find the small but ever so necessary melodies that were missing from the symphony of my wholeness...

Second magnificent gift from life was when I met Anu Rootalu and began to study mantra healing in the Academy of Tibetian Medicine under the guidance of dr. Nida Tshenantsang. This has given me the opportunity to help my roadfellows, to wake up and notice the things that have been at hand for decades but what I wasn’t able to really see, not to mention touch...

I see the light now, thanks to my three teachers – life, Jaan and Nida. I realize to my regret that up until now I have been living in the dark. And where to people go in the dark? Always towards the brighter light. That is what I want to offer you in the form of my pictures – of which some are photos and some are paintings… I also wish to thank mrs. Tiiu Piibur who taught me to use the brush, so I can add the right colors to the picture that any of us makes when living in this world...


Product No 2980693
Tags Olavi, Uisk