Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Nick Shiflet, Seattle
Member Since October 2007
Artist Statement My art has ranged through several directions in the past twenty years including oil painting, photography, silk screen/printing, camera building, clock making, super-8 film, and video-audio creation. For the past decade my photography has focused on the use of black and white infrared film. During the past couple of years my main vision has focused on my weekly hour long television program, SHIFTERLAND, that airs every Tuesday at 11PM on SCAN TV(public access). I create, write, direct, edit, act, and produce audio for the program.

I’m not a serious artist except in that I plan to work at art till I’m no longer capable. Some of my favorite endeavors happened with a gin and tonic in one hand and a paintbrush or camera in the other. I want the act of imagination, brainstorming, creating, and producing to be fun. But at times there is the grim determination or lack of as man muddles in the muck and mire attempting to give birth to a masterpiece. The process the mind goes through, and even more importantly the stuff that happens to the parts of you that aren’t physical are truly astounding and somewhat incomprehensible.

I’m not good with dialogue about art, I prefer to hide in a cesspool of the naive. I do know the creation of art produces emotions, concepts, sensations that can’t be found in consciousness nor on this planet. Art should not be a struggle for existence but proof of. Art is developing a relationship with what does not exist.

You can view a larger selection of my work at or at



Product No 403543
Tags Nick, Shiflet