Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Karla Ricker, Scranton, PA
Member Since August 2010
Artist Statement Women are constantly fighting with themselves to obtain this so called 'ideal.' But what would happen if we understood that beauty is not perfection nor and ideology but a reality that resides in all women - The Feminine Divine.
I find the goddess to be the best word to express this reality. My art is about expressing the female goddess which is Beautiful, Sexy, Erotic, Sensuous, Lovely, Warm, Strong, Powerful, Desirable. I consider them self portraits but they could easily represent any woman or goddess. I do not limit myself to any one medium to express myself.
I find I love working with watercolor, clay, ink, the camera and so much more. I am in the moment when I am creating so it is not about the medium.


Product No 3388727
Subjects Architecture, Cityscapes, Landscape, Train Stations
Style Urban/Industrial
Tags Karla, Ricker, empty, nyc, railway, subway, train, transportation, tube, underground