Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Lee Rudisaile, Keene, TX
Member Since September 2008
Artist Statement I was born in Washington D.C. but grew up in the South West. I have lived in the Four Corners area for many years but now live in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area.

I have always loved to take pictures and have published two books with some of those images in them. My first book "Our Southwestern Adventure" is of my family vacation in Colorado and New Mexico the summer of 2008. Many of the images in that book are in my Gallery. The other book "Black and White Photography 1983" is of images I took in my first photography class in 1983. I compiled them as a way to display and preserve them in my home. You can vierw part of the books on


Product No 1894084
Tags Lee, Rudisaile