Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Ani DaVinci
Member Since January 2014
Artist Statement To begin, I would say that unlike anything else that requires one to do instead of to think and feel, art has to draw from real emotions in order for it to have life. Who better knows all aspects of life more than those who have seen the darker if not troubled sides. I do not claim this to be the only way to see, but for example, how can a person write or truly sing a song about loss of love and deep heartache if one has never experienced a pain that is so unforgettable, so unbearable that sometimes words alone could only scratch the surface of the feeling. Some emotions can be faked I suppose, but all of the authentic ones are powerful enough that everyone can pick up on them both consciously and subconsciously. Art is about a message or at least transferring an idea to another. In my art, I tend to gravitate towards a blend of satire and twisted comedy that addresses the way I perceive the world around me. I also enjoy eroticism and its elements will often be present both subtly and in more obvious ways in my work. I like to find beauty in things that would seem ordinary or over looked in life. Far too often are things disregarded and devalued, which is an all too familiar emotion for many of us. Those with more of a troubled past, in my opinion, seem to gravitate towards expressing themselves freely and art is the perfect catalyst. A picture may be worth a thousand words but sometimes we only wish to say but one word and yet sometimes, just one word can be so hard to say. What better way than to visually pour out these ideas and inner feelings. I grew up in a most unpleasant manner. Sometimes one word, the right word, a kind word, could have made all the difference.

~ Ani DaVinci


Product No 5214683
Tags Ani, DaVinci