Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Pierre Dumas, Skopje
Member Since August 2014
Artist Statement Welcome dear visitor!

I used my artistic name of Pierre Dumas on the Internet for 14 years now!
And who is Pierre Dumas, let the numbers speak:

On a photo site with declared hundreds of thousands active members, 1st in the category of abstracts for all times, 16th in all categories for all times, 20697 comments on 664 images, more than thousand comments on portfolio, 122595 member page views, 3193 ratings, on 84 distinct photos, averaging 6.38/7!

Among 800.000 registered members No 29 on the list of most followed members (earlier 400 most interesting)!

All pictures are a result of my life time engagement on the field of photography, but most of them if not all of them are done since the year 2005! They all lean heavily to surreal and abstract in general!

I call what I mostly do and expose digital explicit naive art!

I and many people who have seen and commented my works find it engaged, a lot of viewers have said that there is a message behind most of my pictures and even that the message is explicitly told! I can't argue with it because I intend to say something with them and even my total abstracts done with my aesthetic feeling as a leader sometimes reveal their meaning to my consciousness! I've been presumably led by my subconsciousness while doing them! Many of them have later "told me" my life story in my moments of enlightenment!

Thank you for your attention!

6 August 2015


Product No 5435804
Subjects Fantasy, Magic Realism, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Tags Dumas, Macedonian, Pierre, cheap, cheapest, circle, contemporary, round, surreal, unique, universal