Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Alycia Baca, Albuquerque
Member Since October 2008
Artist Statement Hi, my name is Alycia Baca and I am an Artist and Sculptress here in New Mexico.

Always Believe, I had no idea I could paint. I have had no training in painting or sculpture. About two years ago a customer of mine said if you can create sculpture you can paint. well I decided to try and I surprised myself.

Always Believe, I believe God can surprise you at any time. My mother is a concert pianist and violinist and composer, and my father is an actor and singer and a retired fireman. I always felt like I had to have something coming from these talented people but for many years I felt like an outcast and I was always searching for that special job I was supposed to be retiring at.

Always Believe, I made my first sculpture a few years ago and my son is the one that said I was really good at sculpture. I thank God for letting me find something I can do. I also thank God for helping me to go through all those years of searching and feeling so alone. I thank God I didn’t take my life and I am able to write this now.

Always Believe, is my little tag I use with my signature and I hope it helps remind all of us that life is in motion and yes we all go through our own form of motion sickness and treatment centers and then everything is great.. If I had given up and taken my life. I would have missed out on this very moment in time and I believe God had me go through a lot to enforce the fact that I am to see the movements CLEARLY, and after many years of uncontrollable emotions, the emotions that are felt are controlled bringing out there expression within my art.

I WAS FOURTY THREE When I painted my first PAINTING, I HAD A FIRSTAT FOURTY THREE. Always Believe in GOD and YOURSELF and don't forget things will get better or worse not real sure where your standing on the deck , it depends but Always Believe and ride your wave.

Alycia Baca


Product No 1424395
Tags Alycia, Baca