Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Tom Love, Spring Branch
Member Since April 2007
Artist Statement Hi, My name is Tom Love. I live in the Hill Country of Central Texas.

I was born in San Antonio in 1934.

Yeah, I’m a geezer. Anyway that’s what my 24 year old son thinks.

I have been painting, drawing and sculpting since my early twenties.

A couple of eons ago I graduated from the University of North Texas with a BA degree. I majored in painting and drawing and minored in English Literature.

I enjoy playing with light to create form and color in time and space. It constantly amazes me as to what develops as I play/work.
Sometimes the forms take on the shape of flowers, sometimes birds or stars, sometimes they develop into imaginary landscapes or abstract forms.

For now, my art is being expressed through my computer. I really enjoy working on the computer because of it’s ‘what if’ possibilities. I can play with color and form until I find just the right combination.

I like to keep my paintings simple…just enough, not too much. Although it doesn’t always work out that way. Just like life doesn’t always work the way we planned it. Does it?

I’m really fascinated by the horizon line. The exact point at which the earth meets the sky.

I’m struck with wonder when I look at the point where any form meets the space around it. I’m always mesmerized by the shimmering and dancing of light around that point.

I always think to myself, “Wow, where does the earth actually meet the sky? What is that interaction between them as they kiss each other? What happens at the very point of their meeting?”

Have you ever noticed the glow that occurs there?

That’s part of what drives my painting.

The other thing that drives me is simple forms that can be representative of the world around us. A simplifying of these forms into something that we can all identify with.

I think it’s the primitive in me that longs for the simple. I especially love Aboriginal art. So simple yet a knockout.

I also have a place in my heart for Japanese painting.

My paintings will hopefully encourage people to ‘see’ instead of merely looking. See the subtleties in life around us.

It took a lot of ‘looking’ for me to actually learn to ‘see.’ It’s something I’ve been developing over the decades. Like my mom used to say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Sometimes I feel like I know what Picasso meant when, after painting for seventy years, he said “I feel like I’m getting near to something. I’ve only just begun.”

If any of my paintings are not clear or not large enough to see the details, shoot me an email & I'll email you back with a copy.

All the Best, Tom Love


Product No 1101096
Tags Love, Tom