Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Bill Whitmer, Redmond
Member Since November 2008
Artist Statement I'm an over-the-hill, fat, balding guy - formerly a long-haired hippie freak, surfer, low-rider, guitar and bass playing band member who grew up in Southern California in the 50's when it was still an uncrowded nice place. My friends and I used to carry our rifles and shotguns down the street in broad daylight as we headed for the hills to go rabbit hunting and nobody gave it a second thought - my how times have changed. (I wouldn't think of shooting a rabbit or anything else anymore - I like alive things much more). Now I'm disabled from of a host of maladies that I won't bore you with. I've enjoyed the beauty of nature since I was a youngster, so now I enjoy: photography, and funny stuff, digital art, and funny stuff, flowers, and funny stuff, art, and funny stuff, and ,oh yeah - funny stuff :-} That about sums it up for me. OregonArtGuy


Product No 2213164
Tags Bill, Whitmer