Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Terry Orletsky, San Diego
Member Since January 2018
Artist Statement Context: The artist began painting at 14 – more than 5 decades ago. Formal training consisted of a few University Extension classes. A move to southern California in 1995 a new family put passion for the arts on hold until children were raised. The latter stages of life will be spent in artistic pursuit.
Style: A trip to Italy in June of 2016 resurrected the creative energy required to satisfy the need for creating beautiful art that brings pleasure and stimulation to others. That resurrection resulted in the creation of 36 works in the last 5 months of 2017. Impressions become second nature once the tools for self-expression have been re-mastered.
Themes: Training in classical literature leads to an understanding of the greatest themes explored by the greatest authors. Shakespeare dwelled on the struggle between Man and Nature and Appearance versus Reality. Nature is always the victor. Moby Dick is a prime example. Seas and skies, grand landscapes, rough seas, and rough weather produce daunting vistas and compel the artist to capture that power. The work often portrays a human presence –a tiny spark in juxtaposition to the awesome presence of the surroundings. Small figures, houses, and staircases are revealed. Impressionism itself often blurs the lines between appearance and reality. The truth underlying Monet’s water lilies rivals the truth of his garden at Giverny.
Influences: The French Impressionists have influenced generations of artists. Claude Monet is a favorite. A visit to the Impressionist Gallery at Getty Museum in Los Angeles is more than worthwhile. A true to life reproduction of Monet’s “Under the Lilacs” is a prize possession as well as a giant 25 square foot canvas depicting Monet’s water lilies. California Impressionists are a further source of inspiration. The Canadian “Group of Seven” held sway in younger days.
Inspiration: Memories of life in Alberta on the Prairies, the cities, and the mountains, personal photographs, the San Diego sea and desert vistas, California hills, Arizona with family to visit, and studying the work of other impressionists are primary inspirational sources.
Materials: The medium is exclusively acrylic paint on canvas. The quick drying time lends itself well to a style that relies heavily on multiple overlays of color – some opaque, many transparent. It is no longer necessary to wait days until the next overlay; current creative energy is channeled directly onto the canvas.


Product No 6240837
Subjects Landscape, Rural
Style Landscape
Tags Orletsky, Terry, acrylic, alberta, canada, elevator, grain, landscape, painting, prairies, skyscape, yellow