Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

L Brown, Penna
Member Since April 2011
Artist Statement I have always enjoyed art. But now in creating it and viewing the almost endless variety, I find it can be relaxing and stimulating. Experimenting with new techniques and equipment in creating art, how a landscape or a sky scape might appear, if I was there, or some of the things I have seen, growing up on a farm in Pennsylvania, are some of the things that are enjoyable, relaxing, and educational. Trying new things with abstract decorative landscapes is entertaining. I attempt to create an image that is pleasing to the eye, enjoyable, and with some degree of positive content.

I feel it is also positive if I can shed some light on important Christian values.

I enjoy just browsing through the endless variety of art at Imagekind. The high quality and variety of art here is just amazing and it has been educational for me as well. The technology, workmanship, experience, and quality at Imagekind is highly advanced and they are very likely to have real solutions to real issues you may be struggling with.

I earned my undergraduate degrees in biology and natural science at Muhlenberg College in the mid 70's. I went on to earn my doctorate in Philadelphia in the late 70's.

What is life all about? Why are we here? We were created by God to serve, obey, worship, praise, develop the closest, most personal, most intimate relationship with, learn about, enjoy, and glorify Father God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We were also created to serve, obey, worship, praise, develop the closest, most personal, most intimate relationships with, learn about, enjoy, and glorify Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Please review the following Biblical sources: 1 Peter 4:11, Colossians 1:16, 1 Timothy 1:17, John 17:4, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Acts 7:2, 1 Chronicles 16:29, and Philippians 1:20.

The following source gives a very detailed explanation:

We were created by God in such a very unique way that nothing, absolutely nothing and no one in the universe will ever make us complete or whole until we serve, obey, worship, praise, develop the closest, most personal, most intimate relationship with, learn about, enjoy, and glorify Father God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit and we serve, obey, worship, praise, develop the closest, most personal, most intimate relationships with, learn about, enjoy, and glorify Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Comment on Genesis Chapter 1 verses 1 & 2 VISTA Orion Nebula Creation:
It seems to me that the Big Bang Theory, I'm not referring to the TV show, is eerily consistent with the beginning of Genesis chapter 1. The Big Bang Theory was first suggested by a priest / astronomer about 1920 and is widely accepted by most cosmologists and scientists today. Stars, planets, and moons all form in nebulae as gravity causes tiny clumps of matter to coalesce into larger clumps of matter over thousands of years. As the clumps become massive, hundreds of times larger than planets, the gravitational forces become so great inside that the pressure causes the low molecular weight atoms to fuse together into higher molecular weight atoms. This is atomic fusion and causes enormous amounts of atomic energy to be released in the form of incredible amounts of heat and light. This is the birth of a new star!! Multiply this process times 999,999 quadrillion. Let this go on for 15 billion years and trillions of galaxies form. Gee!! Is that how God made the universe? Maybe!! Except this "singularity" had no way of just happening by itself!!
It needed a really big push from an incredibly powerful being, God maybe??? I think so!!


Product No 5317681
Subjects & Tables, Antique, Book Illustration, Charts, Illustration, Iraq, Israel, Maps, Places, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, World
Style Drawing
Tags 12, 1280, 1300, 13th, Brown, L, ad, arthur, asia, britain, by, calf, camelot, cartography, cathedral, center, century, christ, christianity, church, craftsmen, diagram, display, drawing, east, england, europe, excalibur, exist, famous, father, god, group, hereford, holy, hundreds, illustration, image, jerusalem, jesus, king, knights, known, lancelot, latin, lord, made, map, mappa, medieval, middle, most, mundi, of, oldest, our, picture, references, religion, religious, renaissance, roots, round, sir, sketch, skin, spirit, spiritual, table, text, thirteen, twelfth, was, where, world, year