Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Dennis Hodges, Budapest, Hungary
Member Since October 2011
Artist Statement I borrowed Mom’s camera when I was eight and never actually returned it. Dad taught me composition and together we learned how to make magic in a darkroom. And it is magic.

Majored in a self-designed Humanities program where I wandered through a number of disciplines. This taught me to see the bigger picture with the relationships and connections between seemingly dissimilar items. Scored a marketing job after college, which taught me a lot about goals, passion and delivery.

Today, my work is a mashup of things I love doing: photography, speaking, teaching. All of my time in the theatre, the darkroom, choir and conference rooms has merged. I constantly look for new ways to approach life as art and help others look at life and their work differently.

My photography reflects how I view the world: as one huge creative playground where I try to capture bits and pieces to share with others. I’m not constrained by certain themes; rather I continually try new subjects as I find them. They build on one another and I find that the story is evolving. Other artists work with a mix of media; I do the same, changing techniques and cameras as the situation dictates.

One role I plays is that as a catalyst to help bring out the creativity in others through speaking and workshops. The energy and curiosity we had as children remains a part of us; we just need to invite it out to play.

I try to visit a new country every year and search out Mexican restaurants upon arrival. In case you’re wondering, there’s one in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.


Product No 4323528
Subjects Asian, Elderly, People, Places, Tanzania, World Culture
Style Portraits
Tags Dennis, Hodges, Tajikistan, frown, man, whiskers