Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Chris Marrero, Claymont
Member Since May 2010
Artist Statement Born, raised and now living in Delaware, I graduated from West Virginia’s Shepherd College with a BFA in photography. Currently I am a member of the New Wilmington Art Association and I am in the process of reinvigorating my body of work.

I have never been good at communicating the way I feel verbally; I let my photography explain things for me. I started out with illustration, and in high school I discovered the power of photography. However, I still truly believe in the “power of the sketch.” I try to leave things in the rawest of forms so the work does not lose anything with too many coats of finish.

More and more I believe my work is a reaction to a situation rather than a planned statement. I don’t go to a shoot with a plan and try to fulfill preset requirements. I let myself react to the situation and allow the work to grow out of that. Lately I’ve been trying to incorporate my love of music into my work. Music is something else in my life that evokes a strong reaction and inspires me.

My main influences are Art Nouveau, Abstract Expressionism, and the work of the greats like Ansel Adams and modern photographers like Lee Friedlander, David Hamilton, and Jock Sturges. I have done film and slide work in 35 mm, medium format, and some 4x5 large format. Just recently I have moved into digital work. I love fine art portraiture as well as landscape photography. I have had two shows in downtown Frederick, Maryland and the clear audience favorite was my landscape work. You are invited, however, to review my work and choose for yourself.


Product No 3175770
Tags Chris, Marrero