Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Sheldon Grimshaw, Langley
Member Since April 2007
Artist Statement Born in Nova Scotia, I studied at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and recieved a B.A. at Saint Marys' University. Being an only child, I had to create an environment for myself that included a make believe world of friends and games. I began to draw and paint very young and have continued my studies thru out my adult life. The internet has become one of my greatest assets, it allows for world wide recognition and sales, without the exhorbant costs associated with galleries and framing. My work encompasses the grandeure and brilliance of nature. Although some of my pieces are fictional in form, they are a part of my minds eye. I hope you enjoy my imagination and the way I express it.


Product No 98068
Tags Grimshaw, Sheldon