Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Param Bedi, Washington DC
Member Since April 2009
Artist Statement Born in India, I grew up in the southern cities of Bangalore and Mysore. We had a large family home in Mysore, which we shared with my fathers brothers, their families and our grand parents, grand uncle and aunt. There were eight kids, six parents and four grand parents, with uncles, aunts and cousins visiting all the time sometimes staying for weeks and months. We had as many as five horse stabled right on the premises. At one time as many as eight dogs. It was a magical place for us kids.

When I was seven we moved to Beiruit Lebanon. My father was a history buff and there was plenty of it around. We visited the biblical cities of Sidon and Tyre, the roman ruins of Baalbek, where at the circus my father recounted in gory detail the events of a days gladitorial games. We visited the greek ruins of Byblos, and the fabled markets in Damascus; saw graffiti scrawled by napoleons armies and picnied at the crusaider forts along the mediterrean coast.

In India and Lebanon the arts played a significant role in our lives. My grandfather, uncle and aunt were classical musicians. My father an avid thespian. Even today I can rent a movie or two in any standard hollywood video with my parents, or grandparents with small roles in them. My mother encouraged my passion for painting and drawing from when I was very young.

The civil war brought us back to India. When I turned eighteen I came to the USA to go to college. I got a degree in philosophy and art history and then a masters in Architecture. Photography, sketching, watercolor have been my passion all along. I have taught drawing in high school in India and at the Corcoran school of art and design in Washington DC, where I live with my wife amy and our daughter Olivia.


Product No 1934817
Tags Bedi, Param, amsterdam, portrait, street