Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Sherry Harradence, Mesa
Member Since November 2013
Artist Statement
Life is fragile and we need to not be afraid to live. Learn to trust your inner voice, be kind and nurture yourself and be resilient. Who knows us, so don't let anyone drive your car. Take the ride as your Life is Priceless.

My Mission is to help others find their creative voice through color. There are some that are afraid to express their truth and what better way than through Art.

What inspires me is in the form of being challenged with Mixed Media Printmaking that uses a matrix such as plexi-glass plates, copper or blocks that produces one of a kind impressions that are most unique. Monoprint/Relief Printing has a history from as far back as the Masters, Rembrandt, Pablo Picasso, Albrecht Durer and many others. Multiple unique impressions printed from a single matrix are known as variable editions (original and ghost copies AKA). There are many techniques used in Monoprinting, including collagraph, collage, hand painted additions, and a form of tracing by which thick paint or ink are laid down on a monoprint press, registering the paper on the painted plate and passing through the press for the transferring of the paint or ink to the paper. Monoprints can also be made by altering the type, color, and viscosity of the ink or paint used to create different prints. Its a challenging medium and you are also painting in reverse. When I am pulling the first print/edition its like Christmas and cannot wait to see what is under the press blankets.

My love for color is an obsession and expressed in many subjects especially Florals, Nature and the Four Seasons. In my studio I have a custom Monoprint Press and like to play, experiment, create, design and print. My papers used are either printmaking paper, handmade or specialty papers from all over the world. My work is always an “Original” and cannot be duplicated with a paint brush.


Product No 6080753
Tags Harradence, Sherry