Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Charles Betz, Basel
Member Since July 2007
Artist Statement Most of my info will be found on my blog ( Alternatively, just look for me at Facebook...
More Info about me: I actually come from the capital, that is Luxembourg-city, where I grew up and spend most of my adolescence. It is a relatively nice place to grow up, and with around 100'000 citizens neither to big nor too small to live a happy life. The 6 first schoolyears were spent in the Ste. Sophie Kirchberg, a private catholic school, which sounds more hardcore than it actually is. Did a few years of Judo, but later on decided that sports weren't my first choice for passing time. So I joined a scout group, Les Aigles Rollingergrund, which I think now was a really important step in my life. I met a good deal of my friends there and I still do now! Growing up as a single child, scouting was a healthy experience, and many of the things I learned there will guide me through my future life.

Anyhow, after being convinced that I'm going to be a great archeologist, I discovered in high-school (Michel-Rodange, LMRL) that maybe I was more the biological type of person. This of course was another big step and eventually (after getting to know some very good friends in the Lycee) this led me to Basel, where I'm actually doing my Master of Science in Molecular Biology, Major in Cellular Biology which I hope to complete this fall. Last year, I had finished my Bachelor degree here after three years of more or less hard work.

My Master studies lead me to Prof. Moroni in the Institute of Molecular Microbiology here in Basel where I'm doing my work in the field of cancer research, which has been a dream of me for many years. I recently had quite some advances and we're hoping to get a paper published about my results, mostly concerning the mTOR (mammalian Taret of Rapamycin) signalling pathway.

After completing my Master next fall, I'll go on to do an internship at Harvard Medical School till July 2008. After that comes the PhD, that I'll be doing in the United Kingdom. But we'll see what the future will bring for me.

My hobbies are among others of course photography, scouting, cooking, trekking and hiking, travelling, writing etc... I recently had some breakthrough with my pictures, I have right now three of them in an international exposition called Family of Man 2007 - Connecting Cultures, then some time ago I did a shooting for a theater play called Zoo Stroy, I became 4th in a contest by the EMBO journal that will bring my picture eventually to its cover some day etc...

well I imagine that's more than any of you wanted to know, so my job is done here!


Product No 6016069
Tags Betz, Charles