Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

David Peringer Staudinger, Dublin
Member Since July 2006
Artist Statement * Current Residence: Swords/Co Dublin
* Interests: Archery, Linguistics, Art, Literature, Movies, Music, etc..
* Favourite movie: There are too many
* Favourite composers: Jerry Goldsmith,
Michael Kamen and Danny Elfman
* Favourite genre of music: Soundtracks, Melodic
Metal, Irish/Scottish Folk...
* Favourite artist: Bono
* Favourite poet or writer: Jack London, John
Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Mika Waltari, William Shakespeare
* Favourite photographer: My father o_O
* Favourite style or digital art: manga/vector-painting
* Operating System: Linux (Slackware 10.2),
Windows 2k, XP and Vista RC1
* MP3 player of choice: Winamp 5
* Shell of choice: bash
* Favourite game: Neverwinter Nights, Chrono Trigger
* Favourite gaming platform: PC
* Favourite cartoon character: Homer J. Simpson
* Personal Quote: Hope lasts forever...


Product No 316959
Tags David, Peringer Staudinger