Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Katya Ulitina, Moscow
Member Since September 2007
Artist Statement I was born in Russia, Siberia.

Started drawing in my early childhood and since then i`m learning this any possible way i can: i`ve studied in an art shchool and visited different desing and architectural classes during my teen ages. After high school i`ve aplied for education in NGAHA (Academy of Art and Architect of Novosibirsk), and after another 5 years i received a bachelour degree in design. During my study i`ve visited plenty of different masterclasses in which i was interested, like video editing, photo, and even 3d.

With every painting i`m trying to achive some ideal combination of form and volume. I like to watch professional dancers and scetch their moves. Most of my artworks displays people, although sometimes i can draw really abstract things, which have no real represents. With every image passed from my mind to paper i`m trying to make a next move, to learn something new, however, i can`t get rid of feeling that i`m just painting myself in every artwork ;)


Product No 467813
Subjects Celebrities, Figures, People
Tags Katya, Ulitina, beaty, beautifull, contemporary, design, digital, fashion, girl, girls, graphic, illustration, illustrations, katya ulitina, katyau, koshka, nude, painting, paintings, sexy, ulitina, woman, women