Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Joel Sax, Trabuco Canyon, CA
Member Since July 2009
Artist Statement A man who has passed through many interiors both physical and spiritual in his life, mostly in California, but also North Carolina, Greece, and Croatia. Photography is my second art though it can easily eat the time I must give to my first which is writing.

Resident in a condo with my wife, two cats, and a "sensitive" Boston Terrier.

Hike reporter for

Known as EmperorNorton on Twitter.

I use a Nikon d40, camera phone, and a Mino HD Thinking long and hard about purchasing a Seagull TLR. (Started out in a square format shooting Kodak 126 film.) As a rule I do not crop. I try to get composition right the first time I shoot the photo.

"Hard for me to work in a world where thumbnails count for so much. It's like choosing the best poem based on the first word."

"Most people try to photograph the thing as it is always photographed. I try to find ways in which a thing can be photographed anew."

"The natural land I live in turns brown for two thirds to three-quarters of the year. The challenge is to find color that the fruit-loving monkey-brains who look at my photos will find palatable."

"I'm not the kind of a guy who gets panicked because CNN doesn't have the goods on a riot in Jakarta."


Product No 2205046
Tags Joel, Sax, california, chaparral, clevelandnationalforest, foothills, meadow, mustard, photo, santiagotrail, santiagotrucktrail