Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Angela Manchester, Baytown
Member Since January 2008
Artist Statement My name is Angela and I'm 23 years old, and I'm currently pursing a degree in Visual Arts.One thing I try to remember when I'm taking a photograph or painting a picture is that what I'm creating and sharing is a piece of myself. And although its easy to feel pressured to do things that are different, cutting edge, out of the box, its equally important for me to create a sense of classic, timeless, aesthetics too.
I believe its vital to our health to stop and just see things every once in a while, and no I don't mean look at things I mean SEE things. In my Gallery called Angela's Art I tried to capture really beautiful moments in a normally dull circumstance. I really hope you enjoy seeing what I have found, and of course if you have any comments or critiques I would be thrilled to hear them.


Product No 736592
Tags Angela, Manchester, brush, dirt, forest, grass, leaves, mud, natural, nature, sand, stripes, trail, trees, twigs