Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

George Kobreek, Lansing, MI
Member Since September 2007
Artist Statement I photograph nature, still life and landscape hoping to capture “moments of Zen". My goal is to create images that bring comfort, relieves stress and to bring a sense of reflection, peace and openness. My work includes images with vivid colors as well as some taken in color and converted to black and white as well as some taken with an infrared digital camera. Infrared image appear dreamlike, foliage and human skin appear very light or white. Most of infrared images end up as black and white images or have been hand tinted using a Wacom tablet to paint in selective color in Photoshop.

I enjoy browsing the ImageKind web site for other artists I like - there's so much beautiful & creative work out there - it really inspires me. Thank you in advance for all the kind words. Although I teach what I know about basic camera operation, Photoshop, Lightroom, portrait lighting, and even traditional “old school” black and white film processing and printing, I always remain the perpetual student - always learning & experimenting. Photography to me has always been one part science and one part art - the possibilities of image creation are endless.


Product No 3176824
Subjects Architectural Elements, Architecture
Style Urban/Industrial
Tags George, Kobreek, architecture, landscape, night, photography