Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Tatiacha Bhodsvatan, Gold Beach
Member Since December 2007
Artist Statement

Photography for me is about capturing fleeting moments of beauty. I have a
profound love of nature and this love transferred so directly to being able to
keep moments that I experience there. Visual arts of various kinds always called
to me. I don’t have any talent for drawing or painting so that medium was not an
option and others found their way into my life in my teens. Collage and batik
were two mediums I enjoyed a great deal, but then I discovered photography and
it came to take center stage in my creative expression.

I always loved taking snapshots and Polaroids as a kid. My family took
vacations in a travel trailer each summer during my youth, all over the U.S. and
Canada. Through these trips and many other camping trips in my home state of
Minnesota grew inside me a love for all the incredible sights that North America
offered. I feel so blessed that my parents gave me this experience that expanded
my world view, and birthed in me a continuous desire to see more. The moods of
any given location are sometimes only truly captured by someone who lives in the
area and photographs the same things over and over in different ways and every
possible condition of the weather. There are not enough years or money for me to
explore and photograph everything I would love to capture. I know there are
photographers who dedicate their lives to chronicling human events so that we
can never forget the history we create as moments pass, and I respect their
work, but it is not a genre of photography that I could follow myself. My
photography’s purpose is to remind me of the beauty here in this world when I
get lost in the wars and horrendous deeds of humans. The detail and complexity
in a single flower shows me that no matter what we humans do here on earth there
is divine origin to this world. Capturing these things helps me to feel close to
the Creator and never lets me take this incredible creation for granted.

I love digital and have combined this rekindled love with several years of
working with layout and design for my website. Working with effects on some
photos to create what feels like a painting is exciting for someone who always
wished she could paint!

I hope that there is something here in my collection that touches you or
relates to an experience you have had. To me that is what all creative endeavors
are about, expressing ourselves and allowing other people into our world as we
see it and feel it.


Product No 5114273
Tags Bhodsvatan, Tatiacha